The smarter way to pay for a range of expenses.
From additional superannuation and work-related electronic devices to self-education and professional memberships, employees of the Department of Education are eligible to salary package a range of expenses – potentially helping you to pay less tax.
Additional Superannuation
Use funds from your pre-tax salary to make additional contributions to your superannuation – potentially reducing your taxable income and boosting your retirement nest egg in the process. Most people can package up to $27,500 a year (including your employer's 10% contribution) without incurring any tax penalties.
Portable Electronic Devices
You have the opportunity to salary package one of each type of the following portable electronic devices per FBT year (1 April – 31 March) before tax is taken out, on the basis that these devices will be used primarily for work purposes:
- Smart Phone;
- Smart Watch;
- Tablet; and
- Laptop.
Self-Education Expenses
Package certain self-education expenses that relate to your job, including courses or seminars, subscriptions and reference books.
Home Office and Other Work-Related Expenses
Use pre-tax dollars to pay for a range of home office and other work-related expenses, such as home office (including stationery, a leased or rented computer, home office repairs, and work-related software).
Professional Memberships and Subscriptions
You could salary package the cost some membership fees and subscriptions and enjoy the tax savings.
Financial Advice
If you talk to a registered financial adviser about financial or investment matters, you can salary package the fees and potentially pay less tax. This does not include consultations about salary packaging.
Disability/Income Protection
Pay your disability and income protection insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars through salary packaging.
Things you need to know: This general information doesn’t take your personal circumstances into account. Please consider whether this information is right for you before making a decision and seek professional independent tax or financial advice. Conditions and fees apply, along with credit assessment criteria for lease and loan products. The availability of benefits is subject to your employer’s approval. Maxxia may receive commissions in connection with its services.
Maxxia Pty Ltd | ABN 39 082 449 036.